Make Space (501c3) was founded and designed to help eradicate the vacant house crisis Baltimore City currently faces by creating live-work spaces for creative business owners and documenting the impact. We believe that artists and creative entrepreneurs have the capacity to sustain communities if provided with the economic tools, multigenerational mentorship and support from the current residents. The Make Space team believes in making space for our creative class.
Come in Join us our final community chat for the season with Nubian Hueman and learn more about the Make Space initiative!
Nubian Hueman has become a catalyst for culture, community, and the development of the creative economy by connecting conscious consumers to over 700 emerging Black and Brown artists and brands from 35 countries serving as a means to promote collective interaction, community development, and global responsibility through a fresh and artistic brick-and-mortar experience. Join us as we spend some time exploring black creative business practice that center building community.
Tour of the Nubian Hueman Space